I write articles for a variety of regional publications, including KneeDeep Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Bay Nature, and Maven’s Notebook. I am also the managing editor of KneeDeep Times, a climate resilience magazine, and former editor of Estuary News, a water and environmental restoration magazine.

Shores that Can Shapeshift and Stay Put?
KneeDeep Times, October 2022
Could Textured Tiles Bring the SF Seawall to Life?

KneeDeep Times, May 2022
Planting the Edgy Bits at Giant Marsh

Bi-coastal Experiment
with Oysters & Infrastructure
The Coast Whisperer
An Interview with Sam Schuchat

ESTUARY Magazine, 2020
A Century
of First Responders

ESTUARY Magazine, March 2019
Federal Research
Crew Bucks Headwinds
Bay Nature Magazine, Oct 2017
Stickleback Star of Mt. Tam Creek

Reporting on the adventures of water district biologist Eric Ettlinger as he surveys native steelhead, salmon, stickleback and other fish in the field on Mt, Tam in Marin County, California.

ESTUARY Magazine, June 2018
Unlocking Sediment in Alameda Creek
Designers from New York remake a massive concrete flood control channel draining into San Francisco Bay as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Resilient by Design challenge addressing sea level rise – before not after the disaster.
ESTUARY Magazine, June 2017
LA Drainage Goes Native

Engineering and landscaping innovations in converting “urban drool” — summer runoff from car washing and lawn watering — into irrigation for urban parks and trailways.

Univ. of California, 2009-2010
Profiles of Research Scientists
Brief interviews with leading scientists in the University of California system in many fields: see Eskenazi, Butler, Zuk, Gere, Burney, Famigletti, de la Pena, Bullock.
Golden Gate University Environmental Law Journal
July 2018
Cherish the Coast: California
Goes Long

Bay Nature, July 2013
Baylands Reborn

Bay Nature, 2012-2015
Climate Dispatches from the Homefront
Breakthroughs, 2010
People Profiles