Ariel Rubissow Okamoto


About Me

I write about the environment, climate, and water. I focus on stories and science about people doing good, cherishing our planet, thinking big picture, challenging assumptions.  I also help organizations communicate priorities and findings in reports. I live in San Francisco, walk everywhere, enjoy stormwatching. Bliss is a dry-farmed tomato. Misery is a sentence with the verb at the end of it.



Writer for a variety of regional publications, including the San Francisco Chronicle and Bay Nature. Creator and managing editor of KneeDeep Times, a climate resilience magazine. Former editor of Estuary News



Author of several books about Golden Gate National Park, and co-author of the Natural History of San Francisco Bay, which was published by the University of California Press and won the 2012 Harold Gilliam Award for excellence in environmental reporting.


Editor of dozens of water management and environmental reports for organizations ranging from the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and the Delta Stewardship Council to Santa Clara County’s Valley Water.


Author of published opinion pieces  on homelessness, nature, farming, wildfire, mixed race marriages, and climate change, and on such critical topics such as the color of Hillary Clinton’s tights.

Video & Audio

Recent experimentation with storytelling about restoration work via imagery and interviews.

Get in touch

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